Sunday, December 16, 2007

Looking For New Customers? Start First With Your Direct Competitor’s Clients.
Your overall success in prospecting for new clients depends upon identifying potential customers who need your product now and are comfortable with your price range. The good news is that your competitors’ clients fit the bill perfectly. In fact, year after year, research has confirmed that 17% of an average business’s customers would readily switch if simply asked. Over time, most dissatisfied customers continued to do business with their current suppliers simply out of habit.

Yes, this means that today, 17% of your competitors’ clients are ready to listen and switch. Remember it only takes one bad experience with your competitor for a client to be ready to shift their business. According to The Guerrilla Group, 68% of repeat customers who switched to a new supplier did so because of the indifference of just one employee.

One very reliable source of intelligence on your competitors’ clients is your very own staff. Many of your front line employees may have worked for the competition in the past. They can tell you who to call first. For more great ideas and proven strategies on sales and marketing visit Bill Todd's website


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